Training Notes Karate koteate hubud and kata

Good round of basics with the addition of some combo techniques.

Remember, when doing the combos it’s better to slow up some and do the technique correctly, rather than shortcut it to try and keep up. Try not to slow the class down, but take the time you can to focus on the technique. So if you’r struggling, keep stepping but focus on the technique at hand…

Koteate intro went well. Remember to breathe and stay loose until the point of impact.



Protocol note: Remember when someone who outranks you demonstrates something, makes a correction or answers a question respond with “Hai!” and “Domo Arigato!” using the appropriate title.

Hubud went well with the addition of a drill to upset stances. Remember: the drill works both ways and on a couple of levels.


  • Tori needs to seek the right time to disrupt the uke’s balance


  • Uke (as always) can use this an opportunity to both practice intent and focus on an attack as well as using it as a drill to practice recovering balance.


Kata looked great!!

Springwoods Park Dojo 8/28/2012

Basics, adding block w/front kick to the side. We picked up the pace in basics a bit.

Tightening up wider stances – we addressed the weight shift issues.

We talked about some ways to remember the order of the blocks.

We used a hubud drill to work on a simple arm bar & transitions for body placement and keeping strength at your core. The drill was also aimed at destroying the stance of the uke and recovering, as well.

Kata – Looked great. Keep it deliberate and slow.

We talked about some applications for the footwork and some transition helper moves.

Springwoods Park Austin, tx